lauantai 29. toukokuuta 2010


Hi my dear readers, have you already missed me a lot?! Of course, I understand, but no can do, I had some misunderstandings etc. with this blog and I couldn't sign in for a couple of weeks, actually the web page said that the blog is destroyed, luckily it wasn't and now everything should be in order again! Finally!

Anyway there hasn't happened too much while the blog was put on ice, we had couple of field visits and at the one time we got announcement early in the "day-off"-morning (around 6 am) that there's a some kind of meeting at the field office and we should join there as well. So we had to leave to the field again during afternoon and say goodbye to our day off. After that meeting we got one free day and went back to the field for couple of nights. I like being on the field, the countryside of Nepal is so interesting and the views and the night's and morning's silence are amazing, but there still is some little problems as well (if you have to stay there more than one night). The place (one room near by the field office) where we usually stay over night is alright although it hasn't windows, only the HOLES on the wall, it's well air conditioned then ;) and the food is not that good except one little shop where we have sometimes our breakfast (= milk tea and biscuits). But refusal of offered food is a massive insult in Nepal which means that though we had eaten a great dinner, lunch or whatever in this little shop we would have had to eat at least a little bit the offered not-so-good food, so called "mud", at the field office as well. And that makes the life a bit difficult every once in a while. One more complicated thing is also the freshen up, there isn't any shower, only basins and a water tap and if you try to fresh yourself up in the evening there isn't any light either which makes everything even more interesting. The toilet is basically a hole in the floor, which I may mentioned already before, and it takes time to get used to it. But anyway despite those little things living in the countryside every now and then is nice and it helps me to detach myself from the hectic Kathmandu-life perfectly. I like it! (As long as I don't have to spend there too many nights).

Last two night's visit at the field was again exhausting but interesting. We arrived to the field office with two nepali student Bikash and Mina during afternoon and just talked, played (snake-game and ludo) and hanged around. Actually it was nice way to spend our spare time. On the next morning we were meant to walk to the farthermost parts of the village with the staff of CODEF field office. The main tasks we had were interviewing locals, staff of the schools and health posts, but there was only one school open on our way and we didn't see any health posts so we had to content ourselves just with interviewing locals. The answers were interesting, basically villagers in the farthermost part of the Devichaur don't have any clue of anything better, they give birth at their home, keep the cow in the kitchen and poo on the paths. There is a huge difference in the knowledge between villagers in different parts of the Devichaur not to mention the difference between villagers and the city dwellers.

The journey (by walking) to those places mentioned above was again very hard because of narrow paths and high climbs, the normal nepali geography. This journey differed from the journeys before because at this time we hiked in the local forest (where is said to be some tigers and wild boars) in the middle of leeches, yak! We survived and managed to leave those little disgusting things behind us. Unfortunately we didn't meet any tiger or wild boar but I saw some familiar birds, cuckoo and coal tit, if my eyes didn't lie?!?!

The day was soooo loooong but I was happy that I managed to walk the long long journey again. In the next day we came back to Patan so tired but so happy early in the morning and in here Yaba told us that we're going to have a VACATION lasting about 10 DAYS!!! And that's it. Today we wandered around Thamel, Kathmandu and… Bought bus tickets to CHITWAN NATIONAL PARK!!! The plan is to stay there a couple of nights and then head to the Pokhara and if I'm lucky I get a chance to do paragliding in there! I'm so excited! At first a little elephant trekking and elephant bath while watching rhinos and tigers (hopefully) and then some horse back riding, canoeing, rafting and PARAGLIDING (hopefully), awesome!!! So stay on line, there may be interesting stuff to read after a week :) Keep in touch!


By the way I bought a cheese(?)cubes made of yak's milk and they're hard like a rock, if you know how to eat them, let me know :)

1 kommentti:

  1. Mä en saa lähetettyä sulle luukkuun sähköpostia. Onko se täynnä tai jotain? Laitatko mulle sen sun gmailin osoitteen kun mä en muista sitä enää enkä löydä sitä nyt tähän hätään mistään x)
